This is a post for getting started on Nvidia’s new simulation environment, Isaac Sim.

Follow this link to install and set up Isaac Sim.

A quick example on using UR10 for simple object picking: An example on UR10

To run python scripts directly, see Run Python Scripts

Python Scripts are supported mostly by Omniverse Kit

Python Utility Snippets

Robot and Environment

A Reinforcement Learning Sample for Jetbot. Here you need to preprocess the components and create a folder as told before running python scripts.

Synthestic Data

An example to use python scripts, open Terminal at ~/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2021.1.1/python_samples and start python simple/ –usd_path /Environments/Jetracer/Tracks/track_solid_line.usd to load a usd file. And similiarly, python simple/ –usd_path /Robots/UR10/ur10_short_suction.usd to load your UR10 model.